Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I was picked up and then dropped off in a culture counter-clockwise turned around

Considering that i have nothing better to do these day, I decided to go digging under my bed.
you never know what sort of treasures you might find under there right?
its kind of weird but you knw... i sometimes wish that if i look under my bed it would link to another world for example Willy Wonka's Factory/Hogwarts. Well those stuff don't just happen. do they?

so after 30 minutes of digging i came out with:

Mr Rob Pattinson, my EW issue, i thought i lost him.
*waves mag to mel*
ha!  i didnt lose my Rob :P look how mighty hot he looks there.

A Mcfly single from my gay days hahah 
when i was a mcfly worshipper.
awwhh just look at how cute they look like
i think this single was like .... 3 years ago. i think
sheesh im soo old. haha

My Yamaha Drumkit. It's soo ancient, i think back from the 80's haha
even the sound it makes is soo ancient.

my convo with marissa
Marissa: hye if your selling that my bro would buy it?
Me: hmm.. Maybe if i sell it when im 20, I'll get more cash?
*realization hits me, im 8teen*
Me: but that would be in 2 years. Fuck i'm old.
*marissa laughs*

well it may not sound funny to you, but its funny to me and marissa.

apparently those are the only cool things I have under my bed besides all the dust,books,bags and more dust under all there.

so irah and marissa popped over to my house today cause they thought i was dead. 
such concerned friends i have. 
since i make soo much noise, if im quiet for a few days or so everyone just presumes that im dead hahah
and as usual they get all excited in my room as how marissa puts it.
"you have soo much stuff in your room"
and mel
" i feel like looking through all your stuff and then arranging them all neatly"
as i quote them. haha
yeah.. i agree with you. mel sounds like a nutter.

so yeah! everyone who steps in my room will say that, and then they will start rummaging in every corner to find what they can haha

and when Marissa came to my house she got all high and started laughing at everything and she even tried dancing to The Bird And The Bee. hahah
Apparently Marissa does this when everyone around her is acting sane, we all have one of these moments. haha Mine came later XD

so that picture up there is Irah camwhoring with my geeky glasses and fedora.. haha she looks soo adorable

well theres no picture of marissa coz she didnt use my camera, she was busy camwhoring in the corner with her own camera haha and marissa "you lucky bitch going to Singapore, how could you leave me to rot here in malaysia" *cries*  over dramatization haha


and a message to lacke lacke/mel/arab who left me for Libya.

Don't bother to read our sense & sensibility, i havent even started yet, im stuck at page 0 (the cover) haha
i must say that their english in this book is harder than Julia Quinn. More complexed. hahaha

till next time,
Selamat Tinggal.

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