Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend Warriors

The weeekendssssssssssss.... just came and went. I spent my whole weeknd with mel by the way, which just screams how gay we are during the weekends hahah. Well...we have to be gay considering that i won't be seeing her for the whole of the next month because she's going to Libya (if u dont knw where the heck that is, it's in Africa) hahaha and also because we watched the exorcist on Friday, which scared the living daylights out of us. Well, we weren't that scared because we were laughing the whole movie.

we were laughing because:
A) the girl kept making this weird noise, it was disturbing. But funny..especially when she sounded as though she was burping out loud. 
B) she was shit ugly, after the devil took over her body
 she looked like she REALLY needed a bath
C) she called that devil thingy, Captain Howdy and the image of Captain Crunch (the cereal guy popped up in my head) except with red eyes and horns on his head 
thus.. all the scary things that were playing in my head dissapeared. 
D) we have no idea why the devil that took over the girl was just soo plain horny, we just came out with the reason that he never ...ever got it on with 
oh oh... not to mention her super green vomit. which reminded us of the slime from the Nick choice awards haha

all and all it was not a scary movie, because we did not take the movie seriously haha'
so scariest movie ass :P

here are some pictures we managed to snap, while we were acting retarded.

                                                                                   Selamat Tinggal


  1. BUUUUURRRPP!!!! Hahaha..
    dont forget the vibrating bed!
    My bro kata tgk crita the quarantine. It will guarantee to scare the shit out of us.

  2. th quarantine.. ill mel to rent it hahah
    and yh the vibrating bed.. how scary was that?! :P

  3. mel if ur reading this ..
    rent the quarantine.
    marissa suruh k.
