Monday, September 28, 2009

does it really need a title?

since ive moved up a notch and made myself a tumblr, i've forgotten how to use blogspot and how complicated this thing is or maybe im just going senile or maybe im gonna get that disease when you forget things in next thing i knw..BAMM! i'm going to forget who i am.

geez! i really need someone to talk random stuff with. its almost to the point where im almost talking to myself. haha since mel is busy playing maid at home now. no offence man. just saying. :[

oh btw this emoticon is really awesome :{ it looks like a dude with a moustache. It reminds me of Salvador Dali, the dude Rob Pansy plays in this new movie.

so ive filled it up and now i have to wait..wait..wait. thats what i hate about life. The waiting part. You're always just waiting for something, but i think theres a bright side to it in a way, depends on how you see the situation.
as much as my mum is against me going, i actually do want to go if given the chance because i dont knw how long i can stand this. Maybe im just bored coz life is at a standstill now and how its going now, a little change would be nice.

or maybe i just need a BIG FAT ENORMOUS HUGE distraction from all this.

given a chance to go back a year ago, i would take it. But i wouldnt do it as to how Rant Casey did it. It freaked me out.
Ive finally finished the book, though i didnt get much from it except the disturbing parts and how i almost a rant casey dream. reallllyyyyweird.
rant casey + houlden caulfield = the most interesting person in the whole wide world. or weirdest.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I feel like making a fool out of myself... haha
maybe screaming from the rooftops, or climbing someones balcony to confess my undying love for him (gay), or jumping up and down to some lame cheesy music. Gaskarth.
can i find one here? i'm too poor to stalk someone across the world. lmao

hurrah. a few more days till Raya starts = food,food,food,pictures,moo-lah,old people.
i dont think i want to salam peoples hand.. SWINE FLU! haha
my mum is soo gonna smack me for saying that.

the reason my sentences are short when im writing a blog is because i'm stupid and i cant form long sentences to express how i feel. so if im gonna say something I would just say = i'm.tired.fuck.
see simple and everyone gets the message rite?

i'm sitting here counting down the days till something life changing happens.
i know the saying: just go out and do it, dont wait.
but i think sometimes you're supposed to wait for it.
If its meant to happen, it will happen.

can we all let this Kanye west thing go!
poor taylor and all but still you know he's an asshole at every VMA.
whats the BIG SUPRISE.
i bet next year, when someone he hates win a nomination. He will go up on stage and pee on them.
eww. thats kindda disturbing.
dont you think so?

anyways. i have this ass of a song stuck in my head.
i dont knw how to get it out, coz its seriously getting on my nerves -_-

Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm no mind reader.


the brown boxes and tape shall be my best friend today. hurrah.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Fast Fuse


i can't wait to check them :D

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Weightless with this picture quote thingyss.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tomorrows just a song away.

I'm pretty much back to my usual self now.
August left and September kicked me in the ass :D
so im pretty much high,happy,crazy.

I have no idea why I was soo hyper yesterday, I'm thinking it was the 6 teaspoons of honey I had that day.
I'm just wondering if Honey can give you Diabetes? Darn! that would suck.

oh oh oh ooh...and ohhh
The 50 mm lenses made me smile like a little kid getting a big bag of sweets.
well i would smile like that too if i were given a big bag of sweets :P
so yes! today will be a day filled with camera experimentation since the 50 mm takes sweet portrait pictures, it just totally blurs out the back. whatmorecanyouaskfor BITCH! haha

so yeaaa.. i spent the my Friday night on the Internet. which is really sad coz for an 8teen year old, i sure as hell dont have an active social life. haha
a) Facebook-ed
b) Tumblr-ed (its really awesome, as a like a photoblog or a quoteblog)
so im thinking i should make one. you knw.
c) i was searching for quotes..
d) looking at pictures.
e) camera lenses
f)trying to cheer someone up on msn
g) i really need a life haha

if you think you're life sucks and everyone is around is making fun of you and stuff.


it will change your life. haha

"This is awkward...But I like it."
-Mitchell Davis

Thanks for injecting some random-osity (is that a word?) in life when im on youtube.

so today i found this quote on the internet, i was telling my dearest mummy about it.
she didnt quite agree with me.
well i like it and i think it goes with what I have to go through sometimes.
and here it is:

"I've got nothing against god. Its his fanclub I can't stand"


screw everyone. im pretty much random today.

till next time,

Selamat Tinggal.

Friday, September 4, 2009

I want to live in the jungle and make friends with the monkeys.

I want somebody to sleep with me, and just sleep. Someone to cuddle up with during a movie, on a couch. Stay up all night talking about nothing. Get lost in the woods together. Challenge me, let me challenge him. Talk about dreams, and make dreams. Have fights, the kind that only really matter just as long as you’re having them. Someone I can wrestle with, you know, play hard sometimes and not worry about breaking a nail or an arm. A guy who will bring me flowers once in a while, maybe a rock too or a shell of some sort. Something he saw that made him think of me, made him think “this might make my girl smile” as he smiles to himself. A guy who wants me, maybe even needs me, just a little, enough to hold onto me with everything he’s got.


farah: now all i need to do is a FIND a guy exactly like that and life would be purrr-fect.

New Perspective.

“Before you can grow up, you must fall in love 3 times. Once you must fall in love with your best friend, ruining your friendship forever. This will teach you who your true friends are, and the fine line between friendship and more.Once you must fall in love with someone you believe to be perfect. You will learn that no one is perfect, and that you should never be treated as any less than you deserve. And once you must fall in love with someone that is exactly like you. This will teach you about who you are, and who you want to be.And when you’re through with all that, you learn that the people who care about you the most are the ones that you hurt, and the ones that hurt you are the ones that you needed the most.But most of all, you learn that love is only a concept and is not something that can be defined, it is different to each person that experiences it. And you will learn to respect each and every person on this earth, knowing that everyone only wants to be loved.”

— Unknown (via anquex & others)


Thursday, September 3, 2009

I want you soo much.....NOT!

my sister is talking about death, she asking my mum and me if we want to die.
what kind of question is that for a 6 year old to be asking.

today at the park, i saw a karaoke bus. they were people in it singing to horrible songs. + i had good company :)

life's too short to not be stupid.

i once heard this quote:
"people in love do stupid things."
how the hell am i to knw if im in love if i do stupid stuff all the time?

i watched that video 'when hitler found out oasis split up'
the funny part was when some guy said...
"have you tried Kasabian?"

thanks to miley cyrus, theres is now a pole dancing doll for little kids like my sister to buy and play with.
imagine the fun they will have.! miley :D
you're my hero

today i sat and stared at the clouds for awhile, they didnt look so nice.
the sky is god's painting, thats what i call it.
coz it makes me lose weight :D and i have a reason to be in a bad mood:hunger