Thursday, April 30, 2009

On a day like this....

'Go on, grab your hat and fetch a camera
Go on, film the world before it happens'
                       -She's A Handsome Woman

Makes you want to go out and have an adventure of your own. Don't you think?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Flasher


Overusing the 'hahahaha's

I've read some of my comments i've sent to people on myspace/facebook/msn and it made me realise something.
i write 'hahahah' to much, and it makes me sound as though I'm high on weed and I'm laughing uncontrollably at everything I say.
It's not funny, and i'm really wondering if people are annoyed by my use of 'hahaha' at the end of some sentences when we really know its not that funny.

lets use a fake name... umm like Jared.
Jared: Hye, farah. whats up?
Farah: owh nothing much, just surfing the web and all hahahh
(wtf rite, Im laughing)
Jared: owh, cool. Have u seen that new movie, The girl that write's 'hahaha'too much?
Farah: oh not yet, my friend told me it was funny hahaha think i''ll go and watch it this weekend haha
Jared: why are u writing haha's too much?
Farah: I don't know, hahaha
(that's just plain retarded, don't you think?)

i sound like a maniac rite? or am i the only suffering with this 'hahaha' disorder.
i mean why the hell do i write hahah to much. Sometimes i'm not even laughing at what the person is really writing down.
is it to make the conversation sound more lively? or do i just like to laugh a lot virtually?

this post is crap! hahaha and it doesn't make any sense hahah 

Monday, April 27, 2009

No one is telling me the speed I should be travelling, so watch me take the lead

It was 7 something in the evening and i and mel were tuned on to Channel V, we were eating nun with the green mint sauce when we saw this video come on.
We hated it at first but ended up watching it until the end and i have to admit i like the song because it's catchy and we both have no idea what the heck they are singing about except the part where they
say one word in english like 'Baby" hahah
i think there was something in the mint sauce that made us like it hahah
there was this one guy that caught our attention but we couldnt find him again due to the fact that
A) they have too many members dancing and singing
B) they sometimes tend to look the same

i knw that tina and marissa are totally laughing their ass off rite now : D

Selamat Tinggal

Her bone structures screams "Touch her!" "Touch her!"

Pictures taken by: farah and lacke lacke a.k.a mel
Reasons: we had nothing to do and we love to camwhore
People Featured: lacke lacke, my arab friend hahah and I
Where: Lacke Lacke's Bedroom
Theme: we were trying to capture the 60's 
Results: no comment hahaha
Effect: Po-po-polaroid

                                                                           Selamat Tinggal

Weekend Warriors

The weeekendssssssssssss.... just came and went. I spent my whole weeknd with mel by the way, which just screams how gay we are during the weekends hahah. Well...we have to be gay considering that i won't be seeing her for the whole of the next month because she's going to Libya (if u dont knw where the heck that is, it's in Africa) hahaha and also because we watched the exorcist on Friday, which scared the living daylights out of us. Well, we weren't that scared because we were laughing the whole movie.

we were laughing because:
A) the girl kept making this weird noise, it was disturbing. But funny..especially when she sounded as though she was burping out loud. 
B) she was shit ugly, after the devil took over her body
 she looked like she REALLY needed a bath
C) she called that devil thingy, Captain Howdy and the image of Captain Crunch (the cereal guy popped up in my head) except with red eyes and horns on his head 
thus.. all the scary things that were playing in my head dissapeared. 
D) we have no idea why the devil that took over the girl was just soo plain horny, we just came out with the reason that he never ...ever got it on with 
oh oh... not to mention her super green vomit. which reminded us of the slime from the Nick choice awards haha

all and all it was not a scary movie, because we did not take the movie seriously haha'
so scariest movie ass :P

here are some pictures we managed to snap, while we were acting retarded.

                                                                                   Selamat Tinggal

Friday, April 24, 2009

Everything looks cooler when it's in polaroid


Thursday, April 23, 2009

I don't know about you, but i came here to dance.

god has finally answered my prayers :D
*woot* *woot*
so when my mum told me i went all crazy.. not like org gila. but happy crazy. Jumping up and down and stuff okay? haha
but i've got to wait all the wayyyyyyyyyyy..until June :(
bcause we have to wait until my brothers are on their school holiday.
damn you school!
what the heck am i supposed to do for 40 days!! 
you people out there, who are actually spending your precious time to read my blog : pls pls pls buy me a time machine :D
ill pay you back once i'm married to Jared Followill haha
wait! i think he's married.. pfft
wikipedia time hahaha

today isn't such a good day coz:
a)the weather is pretty much being an asshole today, 
the sun can bloody well cook and roast into a human chop.  no kidding. and i can't switch on the AC coz i care abt the enviroment haha
b) i'm sleepy rite now due to waking up at 9 am all because my mum wanted to drag me to the shops. 
c) i want to go out and take pictures but i dont want to get a sun stroke haha
can u get a sun stroke in malaysia?

okay! so its not that bad. im just a brat.
i admit that it's not really a bad day today.
true blood is on tonight!!!!!!!!
so i can oggle and gawp at that bill compton with his smexy southern accent hahaha
yea! if there was an edward he should look a bit like him. 
i mean the dude doesnt even need a slap of foundation to look like a vampire unlike rob pattinson. 
and i hate malaysia, coz they keep cutting all the we-are-doing-it scenes. soo annoying :(
gosh! i am such a pervert.

till next time,

selamat tinggal 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Blow Your Bubbles Away

don't you wish that you could blow all your troubles away?

i sure do :P

i took some pics today btw, this one came out right after some work with picnik

What's with the accent?

It's hard for me to open a book and read, especially if it's my own language.
People might disagree and say 'it's your own mother tongue, how hard can it be?'
you speak it everyday, you read it everyday.
it's hard for me because i can't even open my heart to begin to understand or even translate the words that pop in my head or form a full sentence in my own language without adding a little english in it.

my dad complains it's because i am an arrogant, spoilt teenager that thinks to highly of herself and doesn't even knw that she's malay. I might say that i have to agree with what he said. It may sound harsh but it's the truth. I do look down on my own language and now it's come to bite me back in my ass during SPM.Which brings me back all the way to the starting line and the only option i have right now for my future sake (as my dad puts it): I have to retake the test again in June. 
Theres no reason for me to blame it on something or someone why i am soo arrogant and stubborn to learn and like my own mother tongue.
If i were to lay out all the reasons why, i would just sound like a stubborn brat. hahaha
it just sucks that you have to start from the very beginning.

Selamat Tinggal


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

That white liquid we enjoy drinking soo much

milk ...durh! 

i can't stop gawping over how hot Tyson Ritter looks in this add :P

Monday, April 20, 2009

How can we fight, when I'm too busy loving you.

Hello people of the virtual world,
i watched a movie: He's just not that into you
I can't say it was a bad movie, it just stands in the middle of being a good and a bad movie. As it is a chick flick, it just has ..HAS to have a happy ending.
But what more do girls love than finding out that in the end the heroin gets their hero in a cute and romantic way or the other way around. This is the part where every girl sitting in the cinema wishing that she was 'her' and her prince charming was Ben Affleck,Justin Long..etc etc. 
Well tough luck
things don't turn out that way in life usually.
aren't i being such a pessimistic :-/

i bought new nerdy,geeky glasses. LOOK AT THE PICTURE!  yeah! thats me trying to look as though i can bring the geeky look haha and Irah said i looked adorable. ( i think she said that,well she was being nice) haha
i thought my mum was going to go all nuts on me for buying, but she didnt and reckons that i look like her back in the stone age, when she was a young lady. :P
well i like it a lot and it makes me feel extra special in it. I'm going to walk around in them until someone screams at me to take them off because i look won't be too long haha 


Friday, April 17, 2009

All i need is a ball and a wall or a sledge and a hill in heavy weather

Quotes have been a real craze in my life lately thanks very much to my parents who have been sending love quotes or any quotes thru their facebook account to each other. (i knw that sounds disgusting and you would like me to pass you a barf bag). I can't complain, maybe it's just their way of showing affection to one another through this cyber virtual world we live in now.
It's a ritual now for me everyday to look for a quote and live it by it, as how irah says it 'make the best of everyday'

The funny thing about quotes is that sometimes you come across the ones that really give you a slap on the face and nonetheless you can't complain about it because you've just realised you've been acting that way or how someone is acting that way towards you and you couldn't simplify your words by just saying "she's a bitch" hahah

so yesterday, I and my friends were surfing the interweb about quotes and we browsed through the friendship sections
and we came out about this quote, it was short and simple
and i don't think it will take a genius to understand this one. hahah

"True friends stab you in the front." -Oscar Wilde

Ahn Nyung

-thats bye in korean

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Dream Maker's Gonna Make You Mad

I just found this pic from Marissa's blog that was taken at the rooftop.
i juat had to tweak it with picnik haha
sorry guys.

and marissa i misspelled your name, sorry
wait! im  not sorry actually cause you'll always be marissa with 2 S to me hahah

ciao :)

Now That We've Made A Mess In The Car

Hellow Fellow People,

it's been awhile since my last post and a lot has been going on. 
i got to see how amazing David Archuleta sounds like and i must admit despite that adorableee face he has.I was dumbstruck for a while when he sang
and i find myself to be his fan now, i actually spent an hour on youtube watching his videos.
lazing around the house everyday is like a routine, it's nice to be cooped up at home with a nice book in hand. my introvert behaviour haha
picnik has been the only thing that i spend my time on while im on the computer, sorry blog
i've been spending TOO MUCH time on the phone talking at night with my friends.
Brain cancer here i come.. its bound to happen right?
im wasting money as much as how water flows from the tap. im bound to be on my knees begging for money from my parents soon haha
makes me think how i would be managing money when im making my own, maybe its a wise choice for me to choose a career in finance. Oh how proud my parents would be of me!  haha
i've been very very very happy this past week since syahir got a break from NS, i mean who else could i bully if he's not around? haha
sorry mel! i shall never abandon you haha
Irah is like the bestest friend you can ever fucking have to work in Baskins coz she gives me free ice-cream haha
ive been going on this whole ice cream binge this whole week, i just have to eat ice-cream every fucking day haha 

song of the week:
Spaceman-the killers

Apart from all that there isn't much to say :)


Give it a rest, your antics are boring me

I need to escape, a place with a beach..sand and the sun.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pissful Moments

The picnik app. is taking a really...really long time to load on Flickr.
Can't you tell, that i hate waiting for things to load

These are the random things that are going about in my head.

I'm really bored.I need the new Julia Quinn Book.I hate Miley Cyrus, she has a really annoying voice.Deaf people should be happy that they can't hear her awful voice. owh! that sounds mean. I take that back.I want slurpee from Seven Eleven, the blue one. The slurpee machine keeps breaking down, i think someones like fucking with the machine and not letting other people enjoy it.hahaha.I can't wait for Saturday.I have no idea why i keep writing like this.I'm supposed to be reading my Bahasa Malaysia book now.Screw it! I'll do it tomorrow.Is there anything nice on tv now?.Gotta watch 90210 tonight!.Gaspard Ulliel is one hot guy.It didn't rain today...yet. Edward Cullen is a faggot, kill me for saying that all you Edward Cullen worshippers."No the public don't dwell on my transmission cause it wasn't televised" spaceman-The killers. 

Picnik is done loading.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Every group of friends have their own handshake, be it a high 5 or anything to signify their friendship towards each other. 

I and my friends had the same thing (god! does this not sound soo cliche) and it wasn't a handshake or anything. It was this one word which we picked up from The Academy Is..  It was back in secondary school when we used to worshipped them (for like a few months only) .The word was: Santi' and it was from their newest album. Until today, I've had no idea how we came about with that word and why we started using, but it must have started during our we-worship-TAI phase we were going through.
and the funny thing was that we would say that if anything happened, like we would shout SANTIII..really loudly all away across the field, if Mel scored a goal. We would say santi to everything positive that happened to us. It just became our word, and some people though it was weird. Well the whole school thinks we're a weird bunch of friends haha truth be told.. 
but in the end we couldn't pick any word better than santi, though it did sound weird. 

and i can't believe we forgot about that word for awhile, since we left school and all until Marissa reminded me about it a few minutes ago and i just had to write about it.

santiiiiiii guys :P

Olden Times Romances

You would only pick this book and read and enjoy it if your
A) a girl
B) you enjoyed pride and prejudice (this one has more action going on,if you knw what i mean)
 C)  you love the whole 14th to 15th century romance where people were way... and i mean way polite than they now. May i clarify, where first dates did not mean getting it on at the end of the night, people bowed and curtsied to one another and did not go 'hye man!', rank played an important role in the society where dukes were the must-have and not some player and finally, girls were as clueless as hell about sex. hahaha
D) finally, a wild imagination, which is a must have 

Just think of it as an olden time gossip girl, instead gossip travelled in a form of newspaper.

It's called the Bridgeton Series, written by Julia Quinn

Sunday, April 5, 2009

He Makes Me Laugh Like A Madman

I've been watching this video everyday for a week now, and i think i should share this with everyone. Hoping you'll get addicted to it as i am :P

I'm not gonna give a brief on what it's about.

so just god damn watch it :)

One Of The Things That Grabs My Attention

Stop listening to whatever your  radio/Ipod/Walkman is playing and take a listen to White Lies,
they are from London..i think. I dont usually care where a band originates from, as long as they have music that i'm interested in.
I used to think they were boring and could put a whole crowd of people into slumber cause the lead singer had a very deep, monotonous voice. But after watching the video for a gazillion times, thanks very much to Mtv for doing so. I begin to enjoy his monotonous voice and the drumming at the intro of the video makes a big effect to this song.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pattinson-ism, the craze amongst girls nowadays

It's raining, I'm bored. and I have i have a case of rob pattinson bi-polar.
So bear with me hahah
i'll be spamming this blog entry with pictures of him.
and mel...
don't forget to wipe the drool falling from the side of your mouth when you're done :P


and the last one..

oh yeaaah. i'm done now. can't seem to find anymore nice pictures of him.
*squeals* omgsh! he's soo hot (like a fangirl) haha
my internet connection is being a bitch.. really.

Rain..Rain Go Away!

It's finally the weekend, the two days comprising of Saturday and Sunday. Where working people don't have to go to work and kids don't have school and get a break from their horrible bosses and awful teachers. 

While many people who look forward to the weekend wish to have nice weather like this ..

minus the beach, we don't have a beach in the suburbs area of where i live.

instead we are experiencing this...

cold/wet/drenching/damp/gray/dull/boring/sleeeepy weather
it's okay if you're out at a mall and shopping, not so great for people who are stuck in the house
and blogging about it...for example moi 

I have nothing exciting to blog about today except that I'm still looking forward to see
Archuleta!!!! (gosh! i am as excited as a 2 year old getting a lollipop) with lacke lacke a.k.a mel
 the fact that i piss people off by making remarks of their family members.
i should really learn to keep my mouth shut, don't you think?
but hye! it was harmless. and do me a favour of throwing back the remark I made back at me.
i doubt i would be offended over some stupid thing like that.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Countdown To Archuleta!!

I can't believe it!! Lacke Lacke (my chinese arab bestfriend) bagged some passes to see DAVID ARCHULETA!!
Seriously I am like sooo freaking/fucking/shit happy, I'm not a big fan of his....okay! i'm not a fan at all. I don't knw any of his songs except for the ones they keep playing on the radio and i never liked him on American Idol. I mean David Cook looked soo much cooler on TV with his guitar compared to Archuleta. But how can u not want to see that ah-dorable face of his.

It's going to be a showcase or something and i know the place will be swarmed with like david worshippers.
so i hope theres a tiny,itsy..bitsy chance that i will get his autograph or get to take a picture with him!!
but the embarassing bit is that we will be in the crowd and we cant sing a word of his songs.

Whatever The Situation,One Must....

A new day, A new blog entry.

And I'm going to start it off with a quote, one of my favourite quotes.

'Two roads diverged in a wood, and I... I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.'
Robert Frost

This was taken off by one of my favourite poems called The Road Not Taken, it was a poem we had to read and study back when we were in Form 4 or Form 5, i can't recall.
This poem made all the difference out of the others that i read because it teaches you to take risk and also about individualism. And I'm all about standing out from the rest of the crowd haha. It also talks about how taking a risk like how the traveller did in that forest has made such a big difference in his life.
Well here'a a brief story what actually happened, theres was this travelling dude who was in a forest, he came to a path which had two roads. He knew he couldn't take both roads so he had to choose one. He sat and weighed his options.One road had well kept grass as though often travelled by people. The other road on the other hand was not well kept and looked as though noone has ever travelled it. So in the end,the traveller decided to take a risk and gamble evrything knowing he could not return to the same place. Which in the end, made a whole difference in his life and he's happy to have taken the road he took, the road less travelled. 

I have to admit, i am a sucker for english literature.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Dairy Experience

I can't help myself but to blog about my working experience. 
Which I must say was REALLY FUN! though it was tiring/crazy/hectic/noisy/filled with ice-cream. It was worth working at Baskins on the 31st. To surround yourself in such a busy situation where:
a) your trying your best to please all the customers that walk through that door
b)scooping all that hard,frozen ice-cream into those tubs
c)trying not to make a mess of yourself, which fails in the end cause your just gonna get ice cream all over your hair and clothes

But the thought just never occured to me of how crazy/excited/pushy/mean/bitchy/patient/rude people can get just to get their hands on ice-cream!

Yes people! That frozen dessert made from milk and cream can make people change their attitudes, or maybe they are just like that.
Nonetheless, i had the urge to throw ice-cream and scream at the impatient ones, the ones that get mad bacause you don't tend to them first, the ones that
look at you with scary-evil monster eyes making sure you didn't cheat them of their ice-cream. THAT'S RIGHT! ICE-CREAM!
It just shows how scary people can get when they want ice-cream huh? Makes you think 
doesn't it. BUT..besides all that there was
also the understanding ones, THE NICE ONES. The ones that would wait in line for their ice-cream patiently and were not greedy
at all, the ones that did not give you you the stare. How i wish everyone in the world was like that... which is impossible. It would be too much to ask for especially in Malaysia. It's bad that i badmouth about people in my country, but seriously we have a 
serious case of PATIENCE RETARDATION here in Malaysia

By the end of my shift, i stank of ice-cream and chocolate ice-cream covered my t-shirt and hair and from that day on i swear i never looked at chocolate ice-cream the way i used to haha
working there came with a price which everyone knew they had to bear which was:
1) our hands getting bruised because of the non stop scooping
2)our backs aching as though its gonna break

all and all....
It was TONS of fun in the end, if you see right past the ice-cream,the pain and the demanding customers,
and hye! its not like everyday you get to work in an ice-cream shop.

Peace Out,
Hazel :P

Try Keeping Up

I've decided from this moment ..( like 2 seconds ago) that i will try my best to be more active on my blogger. I mean what is the point of me blogging if nothing interesting ever happens to me everyday. I feel everyday is just a repetiton of the day before but with different moods and feelings. get it? For example, and yes i am being a bitch now. How dull could it be to read about someones daily life, them explaining what time they woke up, when they took a shower and why did they fight with their understanding *snicker* boyfriend/girlfriend. well i don't, and i don't give two fucks about it.Mind my swearing. Since I've got so much time nowadays to write my blog, it will be updated everyday or two.

Much Love,
Hazel <3