Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Overusing the 'hahahaha's

I've read some of my comments i've sent to people on myspace/facebook/msn and it made me realise something.
i write 'hahahah' to much, and it makes me sound as though I'm high on weed and I'm laughing uncontrollably at everything I say.
It's not funny, and i'm really wondering if people are annoyed by my use of 'hahaha' at the end of some sentences when we really know its not that funny.

lets use a fake name... umm like Jared.
Jared: Hye, farah. whats up?
Farah: owh nothing much, just surfing the web and all hahahh
(wtf rite, Im laughing)
Jared: owh, cool. Have u seen that new movie, The girl that write's 'hahaha'too much?
Farah: oh not yet, my friend told me it was funny hahaha think i''ll go and watch it this weekend haha
Jared: why are u writing haha's too much?
Farah: I don't know, hahaha
(that's just plain retarded, don't you think?)

i sound like a maniac rite? or am i the only suffering with this 'hahaha' disorder.
i mean why the hell do i write hahah to much. Sometimes i'm not even laughing at what the person is really writing down.
is it to make the conversation sound more lively? or do i just like to laugh a lot virtually?

this post is crap! hahaha and it doesn't make any sense hahah 


  1. hahahahahahHahahahahaha.

    I'm laughing at the fact that YOU WILL NEVER GET JARED AS A FRIEND.

    Stop dreaming mate!

    Ps. Ha-ha!!! :p
